Wednesday, May 27, 2009

2010 Mercedes-Benz ML450 Hybrid - New York Times Review

The New York Times recently reviewed the new ML450 Hybrid that will be arriving at Classic Mercedes-Benz this December.

"The gas-electric version of the popular ML-class S.U.V. easily beats the mileage of the regular 6- and 8-cylinder models: 21 miles a gallon in the city and 24 on the highway"

"Even in the barely crawling traffic, I returned to the New York auto show at the Javits Center showing 22 m.p.g. on the trip computer, convinced I could have done much better in a longer test."

"Mercedes is hoping that its luxury buyers are more receptive to a midsize S.U.V. hybrid, which officials said would be priced between current V-6 and V-8 models: Figure roughly $51,000 to start."

"Drivers can select an economy mode that maximizes mileage, or a sport mode that mimics having eight conventional gears, which can be operated by steering-wheel paddle shifters."

Call or email me to schedule your ML-Class demonstration drive today at 903.534.7060 or

Monday, May 25, 2009

2009 S-Class, The Benchmark in Luxury

The Mercedes-Benz S-Class has been the benchmark for the luxury class automobile for many years. Just take a look at the following video and you'll see why.

SPLITVIEW display - fyi 7.9L/100Km = 29 mpg

Call or email me to schedule your S-Class demonstration drive today. 903.534.7060 or

Chemo is Done!

I would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers over the last nine months while I was going through chemo for my cancer. And I am glad to say that I am done with chemo! A chapter in my life that I am glad to see put behind me.

Now I should have more time to work on the iCarGuy blog and bring more information to you on a regular basis. And since I have moved to our Mercedes-Benz dealership in March, most of the new post's will be about the Mercedes-Benz line of cars.

Again, thank you for your prayers and emails. Without you this journey would have been much more difficult.